107: 27-30
"They were at their wits end. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and He guided them to their desired haven..."


Since I can remember, the Lord has given me a broken and compassionate heart for women. Specifically, women who are abused, women who are pregnant and alone, and women who lack a firm identity in who they are in Jesus. God placed this desire in me for a place of refuge & and safe house for women throughout the United States in March 2021. I felt strongly that there were some women who needed a place that they could feel safe, loved, valued, and cared for. A place where they felt heard, a place of community and growth, and a place of rest. I believe God wanted women who lost their voice or feel as though they never had one, to be able to find it through the guidance of other strong women in Christ. My heart has been heavy for those that do not have a place to go in the face of struggle, fear, and loneliness. My heart is for you and I desired to give you a haven house.
My goal is to provide women with a free place to stay until they can get back on their own two feet. I would like to provide a roof over their heads, as well as a community around them who pours into them, emotionally, spiritually, and overall fruitfully. I seek to provide group sessions of women who are dealing with the same struggles. I also would like to have group classes that teach those struggling about their identity in Christ, their worth, their gifting, and help guide them through healing. It is imperative to know who you are in the face of such adversity. I would also like to provide babysitting services so that women who have children and do not have support and have low funding, can go to work with a peace of mind. Lastly, I would like to provide one on one mentoring with women whom I trust to guide others in a holy manner. I aim to provide a safe place for women who need guidance, until they are strong on their own. Let God be your influencer.
Donate to Haven Housee
Since HH is a non for profit organization, we rely solely on donations. One hundred percent of the proceeds will go into building a home, known as, Haven House. If you feel led to give, we say THANK YOU and God bless you! If not, we can still be friends, don't worry! Please click below if you feel led to give.
Soundview Pregnancy
Soundview Pregnancy Center on Long Island offers guidance for women who are going through an unplanned pregnancy. They offer free and confidential services and pregnancy options coaching and mentorship. Please reach out for help if you need support.